Sunday, April 15, 2018


Have you ever imagined why so many Africans are dying when they are trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe for greener pastures? Have you ever wondered why in some decades ago most people from different nations wanted to live an American dream by leaving their countries? Even today many people are not happy with the governance systems in their countries and most are trying to seek better countries elsewhere but most of them have their dreams cut short by the alarm clock visor denial has set by those countries. Most people are oppressed in their countries and very are frustrated by governing bodies. Graduate unemployment is in almost all countries. Do you think we have a better choice of nation to live in apart from the countries we belong to by birth, marriage and naturalization? The answer is emphatic yes.

 Bitnation has the solution on the blockchain technology. All you need is the Pangea App, you are empowered to choose freely any government that you want to live under. No racism, no boundaries, no gender discrimination. With over 200 nations already registered with Bitnation and thousands of Bitnation citizens who are in the process of changing their national ID’s, you don’t have to be left out. Now sit in the comfort of your home country and live in your dream country as a reality. Pangea App has made all your dreams about better governance real.


Pangea Arbitration Token(PAT) is the official currency or better still Token that all beloved citizens shall use to do all transactions. Either peer -to- peer smart contracts, payment of goods and services etc. We all know that if you do not have money in your country, life becomes quite difficult. So, you need to own some coins here and live comfortably.
This is a decentralized technology on the blockchain which allows people with common ideas, believes, trade ambitions to voluntarily form a nation that serves their interest or undertake a smart a contract. Arbitrators, user and smart contract writers will be paid with PAT for successfully executing contracts and keeping agreements. This is a mobile application and allows you to easily look for nations that serve your interests and become a member. Pangea initial version was built in 2015 and since then many needs arosed and hence peer to peer version of the Pangea has been developed now. Mobile chat application that has been created on the Ethereum platform to allow citizens to easily transact.
Pangea platform will allow the creation and running of third party applications. This will allow users to choose from variety of Apps based on their preference. Customized Apps or certain business groups can also run their app for special purposes. Peer-to-Peer Financial Redistribution, Crowd Arbitration and Peer-to-Peer Security are some of the third-party Apps that can be developed. Pangea is open to new App developers and innovative Apps and ideas.


Pangea platform will allow you to send and receive messages from newly found friend, old friends, family etc. all over the world. This means that you can trade easily with people all around the world on the platform. Your privacy is also assured.


          BITNATION—NO ONE SHALL DIE CROSSING BORDERS Have you ever imagined why so many Africans are dying when they a...